sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014



TARGET GROUP: 1 Bachiller 
SUBJECTS: English, Economía, Lengua y Literatura, Informática…
TIMELINE: 8th September 2014- 5th June 2015.

CONTEXT: Project work has proved to be one of the most motivating and encouraging ways to help students in their learning process in all subjects and the current economic situation in Spain requires more charity organisations to cope with the necessities of a population in need.
PROPOSAL: In this context and taking into account what we can do about it with the means we have in our school, it is our objective to create a Charity Shop run by the students of 1 Bachiller.
METHOD: Project work. Students will be presented a sample of a real English Charity Shop, with its aims and organisation system and they will then be encouraged to create their own Charity shop whose profit will be used to fund projects of the two charities in La Purisima (Petjades and Ecosol) and a third charity which will be chosen by the students. They will have to do research, make group decisions and participate in a project that will have a concrete impact in the real world.
1.       Why are we doing this and who is going to benefit from it?
2.       Name of the Charity Shop
3.       Who is going to be in charge of what? (temporary roles must be played by all students)
4.       How are we going to advertise our project?
5.       How are we going to collect items to be sold?
6.       How are we going to decide how much is what?
7.       Where will we store the items?
8.       Where will we display the items?
9.       When will the shop open?

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